Archives, Aesthetic Dimensions, and Academic Identity

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Ellyn Lyle
Cecile Badenhorst
Heather McLeod


Three authors offer a methodological bricolage to explore visual, textual, and poetic archives that shape our identities as women academics. We draw on aspects of autoethnography, reflexively engaged, to explore these archives as they lend insight into the construction of personal identity. Understanding both the archives and identity as inseparable from culture, we take up cultural analysis as historical method as we examine, through archival metaphor, the historical struggles of women in academia. We believe that scholarly writing within disciplinary contexts is one way women constitute identity for ourselves and, in so doing, find pathways to write our way into existence.


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Author Biographies

Ellyn Lyle, Yorkville University

Dean, Education

Cecile Badenhorst, Memorial University

Professor, Education

Heather McLeod, Memorial University

Professor, Education



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